For People with Rare Neuromuscular Diseases

Spanish connection. With your support we will change the lives of many families.

To Educate and empower the Hispanic community on Rare Neuromuscular Diseases, help with resources, awareness, advocacy, and education, specializing in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Let us help you

At the Akari Foundation we offer a wide variety of programs to help, educate, and empower the Hispanic people and families with Duchenne.

Impacting the hispanic community

Together, we make a difference

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Assisted Families
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Partnerships obtained



In this section we bring you the most up-to-date information on all our activities, as well as news of interest to the community.

Educational content

In every episode, we get into deep, inspirational and revealing conversations, while we learn to navigate in the world of rare diseases.

Discover the stories behind those who work tirelessly to make a difference, the challenges they face and the innovative solutions that push us to our purpose.

Supporting families from different parts of the world



Do you need guidance or help? Send a message via WhatsApp to:
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Are you an organization and want to contact us? Send an email to:


The information on the Akari Foundation's website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or other qualified medical professional.
Donor Confidence The Akari Foundation is an IRS accredited 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN 82-2557369 The Akari Foundation maintains minimum operating expenses. The Board of Directors is a group of committed volunteers. No board member receives compensation. Your generous donation helps us with our Mission to Educate and empower the Hispanic community on rare diseases and help with resources, awareness, advocacy, and education, specializing in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The goal of the Board of Directors of The Akari Foundation is that donors have the highest level of confidence when making contributions to the Foundation. We intend to provide you with that confidence by sharing the following information.
Copyright © 2025  The Akari Foundation. All Rights Reserved | Politica de Privacidad