With your support we will reach many families

Donate with Zeffy
While other platforms charge 3-10% in fees,
Zeffy is the only fundraising tool that guarantees 100% of your donation goes to The Akari Foundation.
Zeffy is funded solely through contributions made by donors like you..
Donate with Zelle
Service Fees and Additional Charges:
This platform does not deduct any fees from your donated amount to our organization. You are responsible for paying all fees associated with your use of the Service. Applicable fees will be disclosed in the user interface or elsewhere within the Service or Site.
Donate with Pay Pal
Service fees and additional charges:
Please note that use of this platform may result in charges to you or the organization you are donating to. Applicable fees will be disclosed in the user interface or elsewhere within the Service or Site.
Donate with Cash App
Service Fees and Additional Charges:
This platform does not deduct any fees from your donated amount to our organization. You are responsible for paying all fees associated with your use of the Service. Applicable fees will be disclosed in the user interface or elsewhere within the Service or Site.
Do you need guidance or help? Send a message via WhatsApp to:
- (+1) 210-630-5451
to receive the contact form.
Are you an organization and want to contact us? Send an email to:
- San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Monday - Friday
- 09:00am a 6:00pm
- Holidays: Closed
The information on the Akari Foundation's website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or other qualified medical professional.
Donor Confidence
The Akari Foundation is an IRS accredited 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN 82-2557369
The Akari Foundation maintains minimum operating expenses. The Board of Directors is a group of committed volunteers. No board member receives compensation. Your generous donation helps us with our Mission to Educate and empower the Hispanic community on rare diseases and help with resources, awareness, advocacy, and education, specializing in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The goal of the Board of Directors of The Akari Foundation is that donors have the highest level of confidence when making contributions to the Foundation. We intend to provide you with that confidence by sharing the following information.
Copyright © 2025 The Akari Foundation. All Rights Reserved | Politica de Privacidad